Tabanovce, part 2: Beyond the tracks and the fences

Two days ago I went to the camp again, this time with people from Legis. We met in Skopje, where Driton Maliqi had an interview on national tv about the situation of refugees. With his colleague Avni Salii, we ate

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Tabanovce, part 2: Tracks and nothing else

People were on the move, like thousands of others before them, walking along the tracks or riding on trains coming from the south. When they arrived at Tabanovce, they were stopped. That’s where the camp is. Right beside the train

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Tabanovce, 05/04/2016

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Tabanovce tracks

Less than 20 minutes after passing through Presevo: Just left the border town of Tabanovce in Macedonia. Camp beside the station. 1000 refugees trapped here. Talked to kids and women who came to the tracks. Gave them my contacts. They

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Presevo pictures

Just passed thru Presevo. Could only take a couple of crappy cell phone pics. The Serbian police on board the train got me to delete my other pics. The refugee camp is right beside the train station and visible from

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A meeting place

Border closures have not stopped the flow of people into Belgrade. Over the past two days there were over 100 new arrivals, including several Afghani and Iranian families. But most of them are young men, in their late teens or

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People can’t be contained

Spent a few hours yesterday and several hours today with the good folks at Info Park​ in Belgrade, right outside the bus station. The park is refugee central. A smaller park nearby has been dubbed Afghani Park. There are groups

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Translators needed

I had less than 48 hrs in Novi Sad. A lot of that time was spent in Facebook, variously in 1 to 3 chat windows talking to people in Berlin, Sid, Zagreb and Belgrade off and on simultaneously. This was

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“Push back”

Leaving Subotica for Novi Sad. Yesterday in Sabotica was a tough day. On our info action we met a Kurdish Iraqi family outside the bus station. I wrote about them in the previous post. Soon a large Syrian group joined

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Info action

Outside the bus station in subatica today we met a Kurdish family from Iraq. They wanted to go to Hungary and from there to Germany but were stranded in Subatica out of money and without adequate info about what to

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