A bibliography

Agamben, Giorgio. Beyond Human Rights. Social Engineering, no. 15, 2008. Accessed 16/02/2016

Arendt, Hanna. We Refugees In Altogether Elsewhere: Writers on Exile, edited by Marc Robinson. Stanford.Edu. Accessed 17/02/2016

Foucault, Michel. What Are the Iranians Dreaming About? An excerpt from Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
Gender and the Seductions of Islamism
, by Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson. UChicago.Edu. Accessed 17/02/2016

Tavakoli-Targhi, Mohammad. Charkhesh-e tamadoni va motesavi al-hoghoghi shahrvandi. Accessed 17/02/2016 .Shahrvand.Com .محمد توکلی طرقی. چرخش تمدنی، تسامح کورشی و “متساوی الحقوقی” شهروندی

The Cyrus Cylinder. Livius.Org. Accessed 17/02/2016

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