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Zagreb Weather Report

Warmer than Wien 21/03: wet. Saw the second blooming tree this year. The first was in Wien on the weekend. 22/03: sun and clouds, mostly gray, windy. A fine day for indoor meetings. 23/03: rain, rain, incessant rain. 24/03: sunny

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Porin Hotel

The second day in Zagreb was full. I spent the morning on making the artcards, met and interviewed Nela at the Women’s Centre in the afternoon, and spent the evening in the company of Luka and other Are You Serious?​

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Accidental meeting in Zagreb

Walking aimlessly in the centre of town on my first evening in Zagreb, I followed the sounds of a conversation in Farsi and met Shadi and Arash, a young Iranian couple on a Balkan vacation with a group of 140

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